Maybe Shakespeare was on to something...

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players..."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"I'll never be the same, if we ever meet again."

So, I'm in a really musicky mood right now. I actually always am on school band days, but today I found my mom's goldmine of old CDs, to download onto my iPod. I have a really old taste in music, for a modern-day teenager. Sitting in a pile in front of me are...
-Wings Greatest
-Sony Music-The Modern Era-1976-1999 (2-disc set)
-Great Classical Film Hits
-Foreigner Complete Greatest Hits
-Tom Petty-Full Moon Fever
-Pure 70s
-Aerosmith-Big Ones
Unfortunately, the Aerosmith CD doesn't have "Dream On", which I really like. It was on Glee last night though, which I watched for the first time and absolutely loved, and I'll get the Glee version on iTunes. =]

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